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Dream Dictionaries

hyperdictionary - a comprehensive list of dream symbols and their meanings


Dream Resources

DreamHawk - a great resource for everything you need to know about dreams

Dream Interpretation on Wikipedia - explains dream interpretation throughout history

Dreams from How Stuff Works - explains what dreams are, how they work, and what they mean

Understand your dreams - A great blog with lots of useful info for dreamers.

Dream Essay - a collection of hundreds of interpreted dreams

Pregnancy dreams from babycenter - talks about dreams during pregnancy and their significance

The International Association for the Study of Dreams - non-profit organization for the investigation of dreams

www.psychics.co.uk - This site has a massive paranormal resource with lots of real life stories and one of the busiest free Psychic Chatrooms on the Web.

Easy Dream Interpretation - Learn how to remember, record, and analyze your dreams easily and effortlessly.

Interpret Dream - Dream interpretation and control resources.


Dream Studies

Sleep and Dreaming by Allan Rechtschaffen and Jerome Siegel - Scientific study provided by UCLA

A New Neurocognitive Theory of Dreams by G. William Domhoff - Interesting paper provided by UCSC


Dream Books

The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud

Creative Dreaming: Plan And Control Your Dreams To Develop Creativity Overcome Fears Solve Problems by Patricia Garfield

Dreams of History That Came True by Adrienne Quinn, re-teller

Handbook of Dreams and Fortune Telling by Zadkiel and Sibly

Dreamer's Dictionary by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett


Non-Dream Related

MagicWater Project - Help Save KIDS with Cancer.

Mind Media Self Improvement and Personal Development Guide - A guide to all things self-improvement.

Sad Quotes - Site about sorrow, the purpose of which is to give you hope for better days.


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